



Introduction to barcode...

Barcode - unique serial number coded in black and white bars that was a key into a database containing detailed information.Yet many users wanted to code more information, machine readable representation of information in a visuak format on a surface. Normally is barcode sequence parallel bars and spaces. Today is for storing large data used stacked or matrix (2D barcodes).

Some barcode history steps:

  • 1948 - idea of the barcode was developd by Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver. Idea is in use Morse code vertically extended.
  • 1952 - first barcode reader was built
  • 1972 - bull's eye barcode reader (Aztec barcode).
  • 1973 - UPC - Universal product code
  • 1974 - the first retail product was sold using a barcode reader
  • 1984 - Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) - began portable databases, published an application standard for shipping and parts application labels, first Code39 barcode. These contained part number, quantity, supplier and serial number.
  • 1988 - Internec Corporation announced Code49, first two dimensional barcode.
  • 2004 - Nanosys Inc. produced nanobarcodes

Supported environment

Borland :
  • Delphi Win32
  • C++ Builder
  • Delphi .NET
Microsoft :
  • Visual C#.net
  • ActiveX
  • DLL libraries

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Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Internet Explorer is the trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.