Zoznam funkci� podporovan�ch kni�nicou EVAL.
Oper�tory(16) + Plus, spo��ta argumenty (��slo alebo text), max 6 argument1 + argument2 + argument3 + ... - M�nus, max 6argumentov argument1 - argument2 - argument3 - ... * N�sobenie, max 6 argumentov argument1 * argument2 * argument3 * ... / Delenie, spo��ta argumenty, max 6 argument1 / argument2 / argument3 / ... and Logick� s��in, plat� ak platia v�etky argumenty argument1 and argument2 and argument3 and ... or Logick� s��et, plat� ak plat� aspo� jeden argument argument1 or argument2 or argument3 or ... xor Logick� s��et, plat� ak argumenty s� r�zne argument1 xor argument2 > V��� ako argument1 > argument2 >= V��� alebo rovn� ako argument1 >= argument2 < Men�� ako argument1 < argument2 <= Men�� alebo rovn� ako argument1 <= argument2 = Rovn� argument1 = argument2 <> R�zny argument1 <> argument2 not Nie (logick� neg�cia) not Argument mod Zvy�ok po delen� argument1 mod argument2 div Celo��seln� delenie argument1 div argument2
Textov� funkcie(39) AnsiCompareStr AnsiCompareStr compares strings based on the current Windows locale and is case sensitive. AnsiCompareStr(String,String) AnsiCompareText AnsiCompareText compares strings based on the current Windows locale and is not case sensitive. AnsiCompareText(String,String) Concat Concat concatenates two or more strings into one. Concat(String,String,String) Copy Copy returns a substring of a string. Copy(String,Integer,Integer) Delete Delete removes a substring from a s string. Delete(String,Integer,Integer) Insert Insert inserts a substring into a string beginning at a specified point. Insert(String,String,Integer) Replace Replace searches for specific text and replaces it with new text. Replace(String,String,String) Length Length returns the number of characters used in a string. Length(String) Pos Pos returns the index value of the first character in a specified substring that occurs in a given string. Pos(String,String) StringOfChar StringOfChar returns a string with the specified number of characters. StringOfChar(String,Integer) LowerCase LowerCase converts an ASCII string to lowercase. LowerCase(String) UpperCase UpperCase returns a string in uppercase. UpperCase(String) AnsiLowerCase AnsiLowerCase converts the given string to lower case. AnsiLowerCase(String) AnsiUpperCase AnsiLowerCase converts the given string to upper case. AnsiUpperCase(String) Trim Trim trims a string of leading and trailing spaces and control characters. Trim(String) trimleft TrimLeft trims string of leading spaces and control characters. trimleft(String) TrimRight TrimRight trims string of trailing spaces and control characters. TrimRight(String) PosWithError H�ad� text v inom texte aj s chybami a preklepmi. PosWithError(String,String,Integer) StringAnywhere H�ad� dan� text vo v�etk�ch poliach tabu�ky. StringAnywhere(String) AnsiStringAnywhere H�ad� dan� text vo v�etk�ch poliach tabu�ky aj s diakritikou. AnsiStringAnywhere(String) CompareStr CompareStr compares strings case sensitively. CompareStr(String,String) CompareText CompareText compares strings by ordinal value and is not case sensitive. CompareText(String,String) QuotedStr QuotedStr returns the quoted version of a string. QuotedStr(String) AnsiQuotedStr AnsiQuotedStr returns the quoted version of a string. AnsiQuotedStr(String,String) AnsiExtractQuotedStr AnsiExtractQuotedStr converts a quoted string into an unquoted string. AnsiExtractQuotedStr(String,String) AnsiPos AnsiPos locates the position of a substring within a string. AnsiPos(String,String) Before Vr�ti text nach�dzaj�ci sa pred dan�m znakom. Before(String,String) After Vr�ti text nach�dzaj�ci sa za dan�m znakom. After(String,String) StringLeft Vr�ti text v zadanej d�ke z�ava. StringLeft(String,Integer) StringRight Vr�ti text v zadanej d�ke sprava. StringRight(String,Integer) Chr Chr returns the character for a specified ASCII value. Chr(Integer) Ord Ord returns the ordinal value of an ordinal-type expression. Ord(String) DelChars Zma�e z textu zadan� znaky. DelChars(String,String) Center Vycentruje texu na zadan� po�et znakov. Center(String,Integer,String) MatchStrings Porovn� texty pou�it�m ? a * MatchStrings(String,String) WordCount Spo��ta, ko�ko slov obsahuje text. WordCount(String) GetWord Vr�ti slovo pod�a zadan�ho poradia. GetWord(String,Integer) CapitalizeFirstLetter Zmen� prv� p�smeno ka�d�ho slova na ve�k�, ostatn� na mal� CapitalizeFirstLetter(String) SoundLike Porovn�, �i dve slov� znej� v angli�tine rovnako. SoundLike(String,String)
��seln� funkcie(30) Abs Abs returns an absolute value. Abs(Real) Frac Frac returns the fractional part of a real number. Frac(Real) Trunc Trunc truncates a real number to an integer. Trunc(Real) Round Round returns the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number. Round(Real) Hi Hi returns the high-order byte of X as an unsigned value. Hi(Real) Int Int returns the integer part of a real number. Int(Real) Ln Ln returns the natural log of a real expression. Ln(Real) Lo Lo returns the low order Byte of argument X. Lo(Real) Odd Odd returns True if argument is an odd number. Odd(Real) Random Random generates random numbers within a specified range. Random(Real) Sqr Sqr returns X squared Sqr(Real) Sqrt Sqrt returns the square root of X. Sqrt(Real) Min Min returns a minimum value of arguments Min(Real,Real) Max Max returns a maximum value of arguments Max(Real,Real) Exp Exp returns the exponential of X. Exp(Real) PI Pi returns 3.1415926535897932385. PI LNPX1 LnXP1 returns the natural log of (X+1) LNPX1(Real) Log10 Log10 calculates log base 10. Log10(Real) Log2 Log2 calculates log base 2. Log2(Real) LogN LogN calculates log base N. LogN(Real,Real) IntPower IntPower calculates Base to the power of Exponent. IntPower(Real,Integer) Power Power raises Base to any power. Power(Real,Real) Mantissa Mantissa separates the Mantissa of X Mantissa(Real) Exponent Exponent separates the Exponents of X Exponent(Real) LDExp Ldexp calculates X * (2P) LDExp(Real,Integer) Ceil Ceil rounds variables up. Ceil(Real) Floor Floor rounds variables down. Floor(Real) Sign if X>0 returns 1, if X=0 return 0, else returns -1. Sign(Real) Faktorial Returns N*(N-1)*(N-2)* ...*2*1 Faktorial(Integer) Permutation Vr�ti po�et kombin�ci� N nad K. Permutation(Integer,Integer)
D�tum a �as(24) Date Date gets the current date. Date DayOfWeek DayOfWeek returns the day of the week for a specified date. DayOfWeek(DateTime) EncodeDate EncodeDate returns a TDateTime type for a specified Year, Month, and Day. EncodeDate(Integer,Integer,Integer) EncodeTime EncodeTime returns a TDateTime type for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec. EncodeTime(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) FormatDateTime FormatDateTime formats a date-and-time value. FormatDateTime(String,DateTime) Year Year returns a Year for a specified DateTime Year(DateTime) Month Month returns a Month for a specified DateTime Month(DateTime) Day Day returns a Day for a specified DateTime Day(DateTime) Week Week returns a Week number from beginning of the Year for a specified DateTime Week(DateTime) Century Century returns a century for a specified DateTime Century(DateTime) MonthName Vr�ti mesiac v r�mskom tvare pre zadan� d�tum MonthName(DateTime) MonthNameLong Vr�ti pln� meno mesiaca pre dan� d�tum MonthNameLong(DateTime) DayName Vr�ti skr�ten� meno d�a pre dan� d�tum DayName(DateTime) DayNameLong Vr�ti pln� meno d�a pre dan� d�tum DayNameLong(DateTime) Time Time returns the current time. Time Now Now returns the current date and time. Now IncMonth IncMonth returns a date shifted by a specified number of months. IncMonth(DateTime,Integer) IncDays IncMonth returns a date shifted by a specified number of days. IncDays(DateTime,Integer) IsLeapYear IsLeapYear indicates whether a specified year is a leap year. IsLeapYear(DateTime) DaysInMonth Vr�ti po�et dn� v mesiaci pod�a zadan�ho d�tumu. DaysInMonth(DateTime) DaysBetween Vr�ti po�et dn� medzi dvomi d�tumami. DaysBetween(DateTime,DateTime) Hour Vr�ti hodinu (00-23) pre dan� �as. Hour(DateTime) Minute Vr�ti min�ty (00-59) pre dan� �as. Minute(DateTime) Second Vr�ti sekundy (00-59) pre dan� �as. Second(DateTime)
Goniometrick� a geometrick�(23) Sin Sin returns the sine of the angle in radians. Sin(Real) Cos Cos calculates the cosine of an angle. Cos(Real) Tan Tan returns the tangent of X. Tan(Real) CoTan Cotan calculates the cotangent of an angle. CoTan(Real) ArcSin ArcSin calculates the inverse sine of the given number. ArcSin(Real) ArcCos ArcCos calculates the inverse cosine of the given number. ArcCos(Real) ArcTan ArcTan calculates the arctangent of the given number. ArcTan(Real) ArcTan2 ArcTan2 calculates the arctangent angle and quadrant of the given number. ArcTan2(Real,Real) Hypot Hypot calculates the length of the hypotenuse. Hypot(Real,Real) DegToRad DegToRad returns the value of a degree measurement expressed in radians. DegToRad(Real) RadToDeg RadToDeg converts radians to degrees. RadToDeg(Real) GradToRad GradToRad converts grad measurements to radians. GradToRad(Real) RadToGrad RadToGrad converts radians to grads. RadToGrad(Real) CycleToRad CycleToRad converts an angle measurement from cycles to radians. CycleToRad(Real) RadToCycle RadToCycle converts radians to cycles. RadToCycle(Real) CosH Cosh calculates the hyperbolic cosine of an angle. CosH(Real) SinH Sinh returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle. SinH(Real) TanH Tanh returns the hyperbolic tangent of X. TanH(Real) ArcCosH ArcCosh calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the given number. ArcCosH(Real) ArcSinH ArcSinh calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of the given number. ArcSinH(Real) ArcTanH ArcTanh calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the given number. ArcTanH(Real) CircleO Vr�ti obvod kruhu. CircleO(Real) CircleP Vr�ti obsah kruhu. CircleP(Real)
Finan�n� funkcie(10) DoubleDecliningBalance DoubleDecliningBalance calculates the depreciation of an asset using the double-declining balance method. DoubleDecliningBalance(Real,Real,Integer,Integer) FutureValue FutureValue calculates the future value of an investment. FutureValue(Real,Integer,Real,Real,Integer) InterestPayment InterestPayment calculates the interest portion of a loan payment. InterestPayment(Real,Integer,Integer,Real,Real,Integer) InterestRate InterestRate returns the interest rate required to increase PresentValue to FutureValue. InterestRate(Integer,Real,Real,Real,Integer) NumberOfPeriods NumberOfPeriods returns the number of payment periods for an investment. NumberOfPeriods(Real,Real,Real,Real,Integer) Payment Payment calculates a fully amortized payment. Payment(Real,Integer,Real,Real,Integer) PeriodPayment PeriodPayment returns the principal amount from a full payment. PeriodPayment(Real,Integer,Integer,Real,Real,Integer) PresentValue PresentValue calculates the present value of an investment. PresentValue(Real,Integer,Real,Real,Integer) SLNDepreciation SLNDepreciation returns the straight-line depreciation allowance of an asset. SLNDepreciation(Real,Real,Integer) SYDDepreciation SYDDepreciation calculates depreciation for an asset. SYDDepreciation(Real,Real,Integer,Integer)
Konverzn� funkcie(24) String Prevod na re�azec String(?) Integer Prevod na cel� ��slo Integer(?) Boolean Prevod na logick� hodnotu Boolean(?) Real Prevod na re�lne ��slo Real(?) NumberToSpell Prevedie cel� ��slo do textov�ho tvaru. NumberToSpell(Integer) DateTimeToStr DateTimeToStr converts a variable of type TDateTime to a string. DateTimeToStr(DateTime) DateTimeToString DateTimeToString converts a variable to a string using the specified Format. DateTimeToString(String,DateTime) DateToStr DateToStr converts a variable of type TDateTime to a formatted string. DateToStr(DateTime) FloatToStr FloatToStr converts a floating point value to a string. FloatToStr(Real) CurrToStr CurrToStr converts a currency variable to a string. CurrToStr(Real) FormatFloat FormatFloat formats a floating point value. FormatFloat(String,Real) IntToHex IntToHex returns the hex representation of an integer. IntToHex(Integer,Integer) StrToDate StrToDate converts a string to a date format. StrToDate(String) StrToDateTime StrToDateTime converts a string into TDateTime format. StrToDateTime(String) StrToFloat StrToFloat converts given string to a floating-point value. StrToFloat(String) StrToCurr StrToCurr converts a floating point number to a currency value. StrToCurr(String) StrToInt StrToInt converts a string representing an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. StrToInt(String) StrToTime StrToTime converts a string to a time value. StrToTime(String) IntToStr IntToStr converts an integer to a string. IntToStr(Integer) FloatToStrF FloatToStrF converts a floating point value to a string, using a specified Format, Precision, and Digits. FloatToStrF(Real,Integer,Integer,Integer) CurrToStrF CurrToStrF converts a currency variable to a string of a specified format. CurrToStrF(Real,Integer,Integer) FormatCurr FormatCurr formats a currency value. FormatCurr(String,Real) TimeToStr TimeToStr returns a string from a TDateTime variable. TimeToStr(DateTime) DecToRoman Converts integer value to Roman representation. DecToRoman(Integer)
Funkcie so s�bormi(18) ChangeFileExt ChangeFileExt changes the file extension. ChangeFileExt(?,String) ExpandFileName ExpandFileName returns the full path of Filename. ExpandFileName(?) ExtractFileDir ExtractFileDir extracts the drive and directory parts from FileName. ExtractFileDir(?) ExtractFileExt ExtractFileExt returns the extension portions of FileName. ExtractFileExt(?) ExtractFileName ExtractFileName extracts the name and extension parts of FileName. ExtractFileName(?) ExtractFilePath ExtractFilePath returns the drive and directory portions of FileName. ExtractFilePath(?) ExtractFileDrive ExtractFileDrive returns the drive portion from FileName. ExtractFileDrive(?) ExpandUNCFileName ExpandUNCFileName returns the full path of FileName with the network drive portion in UNC format. ExpandUNCFileName(?) ExtractRelativePath ExtractRelativePath returns a relative path name, relative to a specific base directory. ExtractRelativePath(?,?) FileAge FileAge returns the date-and-time stamp of the specified file. FileAge(?) FileExists FileExists tests if FileName exists. FileExists(?) GetFileSize FileSize returns the size of a file in bytes or the number of records in a record file. GetFileSize(?) FileSearch FileSearch searchs a specified DOS path for a file. FileSearch(String,String) DiskFree DiskFree returns the number of free bytes on a specified drive. DiskFree(Integer) DiskSize DiskSize returns the size, in bytes, of the specified drive. DiskSize(Integer) AnsiCompareFileName AnsiCompareFileName compares file names based on the current locale. AnsiCompareFileName(String,String) AnsiLowerCaseFileName AnsiLowerCaseFileName converts a file name to lower case. AnsiLowerCaseFileName(?) AnsiUpperCaseFileName AnsiUpperCaseFileName converts a file name to upper case. AnsiUpperCaseFileName(?)
R�zne in� funkcie(5) Cond Podmienen� v�raz - ak plat� podmienka (prv� parameter), potom je v�sledkom druh� parameter, ak nie, v�sledok je tret� parameter. Cond(Boolean,?,?) Between Zr�chlen� test, �i je ��slo medzi dvomi hodnotami. Between(Real,Real,Real) BetweenStrings Test, �i sa dan� re�azec nach�dza medzi dvomi hodnotami. BetweenStrings(String,String,String) SysErrorMessage SysErrorMessage converts Win32 API error codes into strings. SysErrorMessage(Integer) GetLocaleStr Vr�ti re�azec pod�a lok�lnych nastaven� Windows. GetLocaleStr(Integer,Integer)