Information : This is online barcode generator. You can set more parameters, export barcode as image or print to your printer.
If you not registered user or your credit is low, barcode is displayed or printed with text "DEMO VERSION". If you can make readable barcode, you must register
and buy some credit for using this page.
Technical details : If you can print, you need laser printer and Adobe Acrobat reader (it's free). Images create on server side using PHP.
You must be registered user with some credit on your account
If your account is low, use button INCREASE CREDIT
Than you can display and set your barcode, each barcode your credit make lower.
All barcodes you can save to your harddisk, if you press right buttom on barcode and select Save image, or print if your select button PRINT BARCODE
If your credit is low or if you are not registered user, on the barcode image is displayed text DEMO VERSION