19th May 2008 - NEW ! Barcode library for Delphi 2007/Win32.
In trial version you can try barcode components under environments:
- Delphi 3-7
- Delphi2006, Delphi2007/Win32
- C++Builder 5,6
- Kylix 1,2
12th May 2008 - Barcode library - Commercial redistribution licence.
Edition for resellers, companies for redistribution to end user with full source code.
1st May 2008 - EAN.INC file description.
EAN.INC file description
This file is configuration file of Barcode library. Please read and modify this file, if you can on/off support for different reports tools, such as Quick report, Report Builder, ACE reporter, RAVE report ... and another features.
Delphi/C++Builder/Kylix versions this file
detect automatically.Please,
not modify part of this file under message "NOT MODIFY".
After changes don't forget save this file and Open Barcode library package and Recompile or Build again.
5th Apr 2008 - Barcode library 5.2
Updated version:
- corrected some small errors
- added new barcode symbologies
- added support for Fast Report
14th Dec 2007 - New product-PSOFT package 2007
New product-PSOFT package 2007
14th Dec 2007 - Barcode library-Free
Free version of Barcode library - with full source code, some limitations.
Limitations :
- source code not support add-ondigits
- for Ean13 you can use only barcodes start with digit 8
- in PDF417 symbologies you can use only Alphanumeric mode
13th May 2007 - Eval library updated
Added properties :
- property DatSets - derived from TCollection - you can evaluate expressions using more tables and datasets, syntax : TBL1.field1+TBl2.Field5+TBL3.FieldXY, where TBL1,2,3 are Aliases. Look /demo/MultiTable example
- property DataSet
- Alias - symbol name for dataSet, used in TEval.Expression
13th May 2007 - TBarcodeReaderW component for Delphi, read barcode from serial port added
TBarcodeReaderW component for Delphi, read barcode from serial port
13th May 2007 - Card component
Card component added
3rd Jul 2006 - Version 5.1, updated. Support for Delphi 2006, added 2 new components.
Version 5.1 :
- Added support for Delphi 7, in trial version only without support databases and QuickReport, sorry
- compatible with Delphi 2006
- added components TEan ListBox and TEanComboBox
- new installation software, one exe file for all versions with multilanguage support
12th May 2006 - FormEdit library - new version.
FormEdit library without source code
now free !
You can try :
- runtime form editor
- extended labels (effect, gradients, shadows,
conversion text to lines and curves)
- extended shapes
- and more other components ...
All without source code free !11th May 2006 - Added function Ean13Country(Barcode:string):string; in EanSpecs.pas
Added function Ean13Country(Barcode:string):string; in EanSpecs.pas
22nd Feb 2006 - New product - Barcode library lite
New product - Barcode library lite
12th Jan 2006 - Added some new links to our pages...
Added some new links to our pages -
product : History, Support, ScreenShots, Manuals
9th Jan 2006 - New version of Barcode library, version 5.0
- Added new features
- Updated barcode property editor
- Added new barcode types
8th Jan 2006 - Forum menu is now updated.Is fully functional and you can use to discusion about our products.
Forum menu is now updated.Is fully functional and you can use to discusion about our products.
10th Nov 2004 - Barcode library 4.5 updated
- Updated compression alghoritm for Code128 and EAN 128, in some versions of coded text create bad barcode. Corrected.
1st Nov 2004 - Barcode library with full source code with two versions
- version with PDF417 code support
- version without PDF417 code support
This decreases code size for users not using PDF417
16th Jun 2003 - Barcode library 4.5 update
- PostNet barcode with or without auto check digit - if property AutoCheckDigit is TRUE, check digit is added
- ean6.res added - good for installation under Delphi 6
- updated EanRead.pas - component TBarcodeReader - now works under Delphi 6 and Delphi 7 O.K.
- Code 39 standard - removed char *, because * is START and STOP sequence. Barcodes included * are not readable
- Correct print EAN128