19th May 2008 - NEW ! Barcode library for Delphi 2007/Win32.In trial version you can try barcode components under environments:
- Delphi 3-7
- Delphi2006, Delphi2007/Win32
- C++Builder 5,6
- Kylix 1,2
New version : Barcode library 6.0
- Extended PDF 417 symbology: -added support for Macro and Micro PDF417
- Code16K and CodablockF now supported
- now work under Delphi 2005, Delphi 2006 for Win32
- version for Delphi 2006 .NET, C#Builder, C++Builder
| Set of Borland Delphi and C++ Builder components for design and print barcode. Direct print on the TCanvas or using QuickReport,Report Builder,ACE Reporter RAVE reports, Fast report.
Support for more than 40 barcode symbologies, including stacked symbology PDF417. Details | Download | Order/BuyBarcode ActiveX control is used for design and print barcodes from MS Office, another office packages, graphic tools, programming environment which supports Microsoft ActiveX technolgy. Details | Download | Order/Buy WYSIWYG label editor, primary for printing labels with barcodes. Simple application, using mouse you can design label, palce on this label, text, images, logos, barcodes and than print as set of labels. You can use data stored in tables too. Details | Download | Order/BuySimple application for printing barcode on labels. You need only barcode type and value set, and dimension for label and paper. Barcode printer print sheet with barcodes. Details | Download | Order/BuySet of Delphi components for runtime evaluation - math parser. Nice end user visual interface, formula, expression design like MS Excel formulas. About 200 functions supported ( numeric, string, boolean, date, file name, financial, statistics). Parameters enabled, multiexpression component-evaluate more expressions once. Details | Download | Order/BuyFormEdit library is set of Delphi components for creating end user visual form editors, report editors. Included extended TShape,TLabel. ListBox and combox for select more types of value, for example font, color, shape, pen style, brush, day, month, drive, etc. Details | Download | Order/BuypsPrinter library implemented more functions and components for easy print labels and sheets on different page formats. Details | Download | Order/BuyTBarcodeReaderW component for Delphi3-Delphi2006 for reading barcodes from serial port. You need set parameters for communication between PC and barcode reader, and after good reading is TOnBarcodeReady event called ... Details | Download | Order/BuyComponent for displaying playing cards, uses Windows cards library, show same cards as Solitaire in Windows. Details | Download | Order/BuyResistent COM file for MS DOS, simulate reading from barcode scanner as input from keyboard. Details | Download | Order/Buy |
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